5 Awesome Goals to Reach Before the School Ends

As school starts we begin again our journey as a student for Christ. And with that it is quite fitting to have goals we want to achieve for God before summer vacation. So what are those godly goals? There are 5 of them:

  1. Maintain and improve my devotional time– just because you are busy that means you won’t have a quite time for the Lord. Remember Matthew 6:33? Before eating your physical food, dig in with spiritual food that comes from your devotional time with God.
  2. Do some baby steps in being responsible– now it’s the time to be mature and responsible. This is where what you learn from school and in church will be challenge. Manage your time. Prioritize important things in school, church and home. Minimize going online. Ask parents what you can do to help. Its foundational to know this things that in the future you can stand for yourself.
  3. Use some spare time to finish reading the Bible or a book – spiritual growth and maturity is to be on top of our list for God. Don’t let a textbook or papers stop you from reading God’s Book and Christian books. Rather than go online, go offline and get connected to a printed page in school.
  4. Save some money to lend a hand to ministries or for summer activities – now that you have your allowance you can help ministries. You can do it by using a piggybank so all the spare change can be collected and use it for God’s glory. Another is preparing for summer activities like Bible camps or Christian workshops. You don’t have to ask for mom and dad to pay for the fee but by starting to save now you can pay it yourself.
  5. Lead someone to Christ – God place you in that school for a specific purpose. That is to bring the lost to Christ. You have friends who may not know Christ. You can give them a gospel tract or a book. Invite them to church to hear the gospel. Remember that we are the light to the world therefore make your school radiate.

What goals have you achieved last year for Christ while in school? Please share it on the comment section.


Btw, check some more back to school articles:

5 Awesome things to Do while Commuting

7 Useful Tools to Power Up Your Laptop, I-Pad or PC

8 Essential Things Your Bag Should Have

5 Vital Things to Lighten Your Hand Chores

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