The Quotable Round-Up #77

tpn6bjcHello guys! I hope you’re having a great day as you dive in this brand new collection of quotes! This time we are featuring fresh quotes from Mark Jones latest book “A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Good Works and Rewards” . And if you got stoked with these quotes, please get the book at your nearest Christian bookstore or on Amazon.

“We find no stingy God in the Scriptures who keeps the heavens shut and refuses to bless his people. No, if he will ‘tear open’ the heavens and send his Son to die for our sins, ‘how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?’ (Rom. 8:32).”

“The fruit of the Spirit is love. To possess him entails possessing love. We therefore obey as loving creatures with hearts changed by the Spirit of Christ. In light of this, one fundamental point needs to be clearly made: God accepts and rewards our works not because of any intrinsic merit in ourselves, but because our good works are performed by the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result, for God to reject our good Spirit-wrought deeds, he would not only be rejecting us, but also himself.”

“We can never lose when we put God first, even if the immediate consequences may be painful or difficult. This is our hope: that living by faith out of love for God, he will one day reward us for those times we put him first, in situations where even our allegiance to God was tested.”

“Faith, hope, and love are theological virtues that make up the Christian life. It has been said that faith and hope may be exercised with regards to personal advantage, but love always has someone else’s benefit in view, whether God or neighbor. God loves to reward love.”
“The Father who gave two gifts to us, the Son and the Spirit, will look upon us as justified in Christ and sanctified in him by the Spirit. Our Heavenly Father will be well pleased with his work. He will accept us for Christ’s sake and reward and vindicate us because of his Spirit, who enabled us to do good works and prepared us for them in advance (Eph. 2:10).”
“Heaven will be a family of people who are in every way a treasured possession, not only to Christ, but also to us. Do we, in our evangelism, tell people we want to spend eternity with them in heaven.”
“A Christian’s standing before God is not based on their works, but a Christian performs good works to demonstrate their standing in Christ. Obedience doesn’t make one a Christian, but proves one to be a Christian.”

The Quotable Round-Up #76

tpn6bjcHowdy  to all! I hope you’re having a great day as you dive in this brand new collection of quotes! This time we are featuring a mix bag of quotes from Mark Jones “A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Good Works and Rewards”, Tony Reinke’s “12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You”, and Al Mohler’s “The Prayer that Turns the World Upside Down” . And if you got stoked with these quotes, please get the books at your nearest Christian bookstore or on Amazon.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love. To possess him entails possessing love. We therefore obey as loving creatures with hearts changed by the Spirit of Christ. In light of this, one fundamental point needs to be clearly made: God accepts and rewards our works not because of any intrinsic merit in ourselves, but because our good works are performed by the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result, for God to reject our good Spirit-wrought deeds, he would not only be rejecting us, but also himself.” — Mark Jones “A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Good Works and Rewards”

“We find no stingy God in the Scriptures who keeps the heavens shut and refuses to bless his people. No, if he will ‘tear open’ the heavens and send his Son to die for our sins, ‘how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?’ (Rom. 8:32).” — Mark Jones “A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Good Works and Rewards”

“If we understand that our Father knows our needs before we ask him, we won’t feel compelled to try to impress God with our prayers and elicit a certain response through some sort of feigned earnestness. Instead, by faith we will see a sovereign God who is ready and able to answer our prayers, and who directs all things for our good and his glory.” –Al Mohler “The Prayer that Turns the World Upside Down” 

“Prayer is not persuasion. Prayer is about God’s will being done—not our own. We must come to God and learn to pray “your will be done” just as Jesus did. If God’s will is truly perfect, then why would we want to persuade him to do something that is less than perfect? It is true that Scripture encourages us to bring our deepest concerns, anxieties, and needs before God—the Bible, in fact, is full of illustrations portraying as much—but we must not bring our needs to God thinking that we do so to break down a wall of hostility or complacency. We must bring our needs before God humbly, willing to submit to his perfect plan.”–Al Mohler “The Prayer that Turns the World Upside Down” 

“Prayer is never an isolated event. When we pray, we convey our entire theological system. Our theology is never so clearly displayed before our own eyes and before the world as in our prayers. Praying forces us to articulate our doctrines, convictions, and theological assumptions.” –Al Mohler “The Prayer that Turns the World Upside Down” 

Technology even in the most evil hands of man is not outside God’s ruling hands.” –Tony Reinke “12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You”

“The presence of the Holy Spirit in us, as he enables us to do good works, plays an important role in whether God accepts and rewards the good works of believers. The Spirit enables us to do good works in accordance with the commandments of God. We do not simply obey “externally” but also “internally” due to a changed heart. Thus, the root of love must be present in all of our good works. otherwise, they fail to be good.” — Mark Jones “A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Good Works and Rewards”



The Quotable Round-Up #50

paper_zpshrjhwlqwHere are some of the quotes from the book “None Other” by John MacArthur. If you enjoy these quotes, please buy the book at your nearest Christian bookstore or on Amazon. Feel free to share this post over your social media. God bless you and enjoy your week!

“God’s compassionate love is motivated not by the present value of someone but by their lost value that has been forfeited to sin.”

“The magnanimity of the love of God to the Son is that all the Father’s knowledge, all the Father’s power, all the Father’s secrets, all the Father’s privileges, and all the Father’s honor is given to the Son. The Father holds nothing back. And the Son, in perfect reciprocal love, says that all He has is only what the Father has given Him. Thus, He celebrates the expression of perfect love in consummate generosity that holds nothing back.”

“Before there was any creature to love, God was still the perfect embodiment of love, and divine love was perfectly expressed within the Trinity.”

“Some people question if Christians can affirm the love of God and still believe in hell. On the surface, the idea that God is love is the most tolerable and universally affirmed truth about Him. Almost everyone is happy that God is love as long as the definition of love is broad and simplistic. But that’s because the modern concept of love is so off base, so self-involved and self-indulgent, and so bound up in fleeting emotions and feelings.”

“The murder of Christ is unquestionably the greatest evil ever committed. But under the preordained plan of God, that act of supreme wickedness was also a supreme display of His grace, mercy, wrath, justice, righteousness, and countless other attributes.”

“The presence of evil provided the perfect opportunity for God to display His wrath and justice along with His redeeming grace and infinite mercy, as He loved sinners enough to send His Son to die in their place.”

“If you want to understand the marvelous work of salvation, you have to account for all three principles: divine sovereignty, human responsibility, and gospel duty.”

The Quotable Round Up #15

Books do draw crowds in the recently concluded MIBF last September at the MOA SMX. Bookworms unite as we indulge ourselves over books that are on sale. I bought some and others are complimentary copies for book review. So I have books that will keep me occupy till next year! Anyways, MIBF did deliver the best book event for this year. How I wish I could attend those free seminars and workshop, attend the book signing of my favorite authors and buy more books. Nevertheless we had an amazing time. There are lots of things to improve with the event especially for the Christian publishers. Maybe it’s time for them to give out evangelism freebies to their customers. Maybe it’s time for them to publish books that tackle doctrine that is badly needed today. I think it’s high time for them to think on what they can do to reach other booths that present a false gospel. I want to see also the unity of the Christian publishers to heed in to action to be the light on that event. We Christians will shine brightest in the MIBF in the coming years if we come and unite to reach out those who are lost.
“Our aim in studying the Scriptures is not merely to know more ancient history or to learn useful life principles, but rather to be brought to see in a new way the glory of God in Jesus Christ and to bow our hearts before him in adoration and praise.”
— Iain M. Duguid

“The good news of Christ’s death and resurrection is not merely the power by which dead sinners are raised to new life—it is also the power by which God’s people are transformed into new creatures in him.”
–Iain M. Duguid

“Who does God exalt? He exalts those who fear His name. God exalts those who approach Him with reverence, self-emptiness, and ownership of their spiritual bankruptcy. And when godly fear humbles us, God in His mercy will exalt us.”
–Matt Chandler

“The incarnation was not so much a subtraction as it was an addition; the eternal second person of the Trinity took on Himself a human nature and joined His divine nature to that human nature for the purpose of redemption.”
— R. C. Sproul

“In eternity before creation, the Father initiated the concept of redeeming the creation He knew would fall. He designed the plan of redemption. The Son was given the assignment to accomplish that redemption. The Holy Spirit was tasked with applying Christ’s work of redemption to God’s chosen people.”
–R. C. Sproul

“If it were left to me to persevere in my Christian walk, I would fall and stumble in a moment. The One who really perseveres is God. He perseveres with His children and thereby preserves them. One of the chief ways in which God preserves His people is through the priestly intercession of Jesus.”
–R. C. Sproul

“The Father raised Jesus by the power of the Spirit, not simply for His own vindication, but for us. He was the first to be raised in this manner, being brought forth in a glorified state, but He will not be the last. Everyone who is in Christ Jesus will share in this resurrected glory. This is our hope. This hope is at the very heart and center of the Christian faith.”
— R.C. Sproul

The Quotable Round Up #14

The 36th Manila International Book Fair recently held at MOA SMX last September proves that Filipinos are not just book lovers but are concern with their spirituality. Majority of the exhibitors are offering Christian books and other resources. Aside from biblical Christianity, Roman Catholicism book companies are adding up every year. They have their own gimmicks just like those Christians booths. I also observe nuns and Catholic lay groups do check and buy books from booths of OMFLit, CLC Philippines, CSM Publishing and Lighthouse. I suggest that aside from inspirational books, Christian companies should dish out more solid and gospel centered materials for that specific event with affordable price or give out freebies for these friends. Roman Catholicism offers a hopeless gospel for their followers. Books that are inspirational are good but we should go for what will save them. Let us not let these people crossover eternity without them knowing the true message of Christ. My last MIBF observations will be next week but for now our quotes of the week:
“We should pray because prayer is a duty of every Christian; because prayer is a privilege; and because prayer is a powerful means of grace.”
–R. C. Sproul

“By continuing to study the Bible, we grow in faith and are able to stand firm in the truth.”
–R. C. Sproul

“If we don’t feel like going to church, we are to do it anyway. It’s a privilege to come near to God and to worship with other believers, but it’s also a sacred duty. I would be completely derelict in my duty if I didn’t tell you that God takes worship attendance very seriously, just as this admonition shows. So if we get up and don’t feel like going to church and want to go to the beach instead, we must say to ourselves: “Wait a minute, if I do this, I’m neglecting the God who has redeemed my soul from the pit. Therefore, I’m going to church.”
— R. C. Sproul

“All of us struggle as we evaluate our Christian lives. We can see changes in our lives for the good, but we also see the things we don’t want to see the things we don’t want anybody to see. So as we’re analyzing the states of our souls, we need to ask not where we were when we were born again or even how it happened. Rather, we need to ask whether there is any evidence of a change in the inner direction of our disposition, our attitude toward the things of God.”
–R. C. Sproul

“Spiritual shortsightedness robs us of gospel comfort that God desires us to enjoy.”
–Derek W. H. Thomas

“Application is important, but the gospel comes first. What is more, even after we have applied a passage rightly to our- selves in this way, we constantly need to return once again to the comfort of the gospel’s focus on Christ, for even as believers we will never live up to the standard of perfect holiness that God demands.”
–Iain M. Duguid

“Through the gospel we come to see both the true depth of our sin (and therefore that our earlier feelings of guilt were actually far too shallow), while at the same time being reminded of the glorious good news that Jesus is our perfect substitute who removes our sin and guilt.”
–Iain M. Duguid

The Quotable Round Up #13

As I have said last week, the recently concluded Manila International Book Fair proves that Filippinos love books and spirituality. It’s a great venue to share the gospel and let Christ shine. Although that is the case, I also observe that majority of teens and young adults go for romance and anime themed books. Adults are more geared towards anything spiritual. With this observation, I think Christian publishers should further strengthen their reach for teens and young adults. I hope and pray they produce more books that are gospel driven. Now for our weekly dose of quotes:
“Every believer is called to ministry. We’re called to see that all of the tasks of the kingdom take place-that the poor are ministered to, the gospel is proclaimed, the Word of God is taught, and worship takes place.”
–R. C. Sproul
“A means of grace is a tool or instrument that God uses to strengthen and nurture us so that we grow in conformity to Christ. We don’t always think about service as a means of grace, but we grow as we serve. The more we are able to serve in the kingdom of God, the more Christ like we become.”
–R. C. Sproul

“We know that God is not restricted to the building, but we are aware that this is a sacred hour that God has set apart and declared to be a holy time of visitation between Himself and His people. So we leave worldly cares and concerns for a while and focus on God. We come to hear a word from God, and it is the pastor’s responsibility to make sure what we hear from the pulpit is the Word of God, not pop psychology. The power is in the Word, for it is the truth.”
–R. C. Sproul

“The primary reason to be in church is to worship the living God, and for this we must bring a sense of reverence and adoration for His transcendent majesty.”
— R. C. Sproul

“Once we believe into Christ and embrace Christ, then we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who is, in reality, Christ in us. So the mystical union is that once we are born of the Spirit and are given the gift of faith and move into Christ, then we are in Christ and Christ is in us.”
–R. C. Sproul

“The whole basis for our relationship to God is grace. It is not something we earn or deserve or purchase. It is a gift.”
–R. C. Sproul

“The atoning death of Christ gave us a new, freer kind of access to the Father. Christ won for us peace with God and the end of estrangement.”
— R. C. Sproul

The Quotable Round Up #12

September was the 36th Manila International Book Fair. I was held at the Mall of Asia SMX convention center. Got some books that I’ll be occupied till next year! It’s a good thing that the Christian publishers are active in the event. In fact almost all of the MIBF booth belongs to Christian companies. That’s a good sign. Filipinos are still concern in matters of spirituality. And it will be a great opportunity for Christians to reach out people with the gospel in MIBF. More of my analysis of the recent MIBF next week but for now here are the quotes:

“By continuing to study the Bible, we grow in faith and are able to stand firm in the truth.”
–R. C. Sproul
“The separation of faith from knowledge is the fast train to crazy town.”
–Michael E. Wittmer

“We are to give ourselves to God as living sacrifices. This means we are to give our time, our energy, and our very selves to Him as acts of worship and gratitude. But we must always be aware that God has given us these and all things. Biblical giving, therefore, is done in the context of stewardship, our management of the good things the Father showers upon us.”
–R. C. Sproul

“Worship that pleases God is not given grudgingly, out of a mere sense of duty to show up at church on Sunday morning, but it is motivated and driven by a soul that delights in the presence of God.”
–R. C. Sproul

“Whatever Jesus says we “ought” to do becomes a solemn duty for us to perform. Prayer is one such duty.”
–R. C. Sproul

“Our goal should be to please Christ, not perform merely for the applause of people. People-pleasers cannot be true servants of Christ. We must keep our eyes on Christ and not on the judges of this world.”
–R. C. Sproul

“If we serve out of an effort to earn our way into the kingdom of God, we’re deceiving ourselves. The motivation for Christian service is love for God. We serve not to earn salvation, but because Christ already has pur-chased salvation for us.”
–R. C. Sproul

The Quotable Round Up #7

What book are you reading today? Are you enjoying every bit of it? If you don’t have anything to read at this moment let “The Quotable Round Up” gives you ideas on what books or topics to read. We have a variety of quotes from different authors. I hope you’ll check it every Tuesday and enjoy these gems. So here’s our quote platter to feast upon:
“Overstating the importance of the word of God in the life of the Christian is impossible. A direct correlation exists between a person’s intake of the Scripture and his conformity to the image of Christ.”
–Matt Rogers
“The forgiveness that comes as a result of faith in Jesus is a means to the greater prize that we can know God and can possess perfect peace with God, which was present in the garden and was destroyed by sin. So, the entirety of the Christian life revolves around growing in an intimate knowledge of this great God that consumes our whole person.”
–Matt Rogers
“Those who refuse to bow to what God has revealed in His Word always cavil with the notion that a sovereign power governs all things. Only those who have learned the grace of submission can appreciate the beauty of divine sovereignty. We recognize its truth and respond in gratitude once we have experienced the grace of the gospel. God sets His love upon us and predestines us.”
–Derek W. H. Thomas
“Only Jesus can give us the right spiritual taste buds when it comes to our pursuit of holiness. Moralism won’t cut it.”
— J. A. Medders
“It is not enough for us simply to accept a biblical truth; we must apply it personally in everyday life.”
–Warren W. Weirsbe


“Justification is the act of God whereby He declares the believing sinner righteous in Jesus Christ.”
–Warren W. Wiersbe
“The ultimate purpose of our salvation is the glory of God.”
–Warren W. Weirsbe

The Quotable Round Up #1

Welcome to Delighting Grace new feature called “The Quotable Round Up”. In this feature, we will collect awesome quotes from Christian leaders, authors, preachers, theologians and philosophers that you will love. This will be on a weekly basis and you’ll get the fresh quotes every Tuesday. I hope and pray that you’ll like this feature, share it and come back every week. Pray that I can post more of this.


“The Spirit of God indwells the believer and enlightens his or her understanding of what the Word teaches.”
–John MacArthur Jr.

“Saving faith doesn’t come from hearing just any part of the Word. Faith comes by hearing specific truths about Christ’s life, death, burial, and resurrection. It comes by hearing specific challenges that convict us of our own sin and need.”
–John MacArthur Jr.

“God doesn’t want us to swerve away from the hope of the gospel. Churches, ministries, seminaries, parachurch organizations, Sunday school classes, and committed churchgoers can all shift from the center: the hope of the gospel. With all of your might, vigor, resolve, and strength—remain firm in the gospel. Don’t shift.”
–J. A. Medders

“Don’t start thinking that your good works are adding anything to the work of Christ. Don’t start believing that somehow God is going to love you more because of what you are doing or not doing. Cement the truth in your heart that you are fully forgiven for all of your crimes against God because of Jesus. Don’t forget that you are divorced from sin’s power because you are married to Christ.”
–J. A. Medders

“When you shift from the gospel there are four places you can drift into: license, legalism, lukewarmness, or leaving the faith altogether. You may not have a life of rampant sin, but you may have an area of license that is just as sinister. Legalism will take you into self-righteousness and works-based approval. You’ll start to gauge your joy on yourself and not on Christ, and you’ll begin to hope in the branch rather than the Vine.”
— J. A. Medders

“God’s arms are open. He is the prodigal’s father, yours and mine.”
–J. A. Medders

“Remember that Christ alone, and none of your works, makes you righteous before God.”
–J. A. Medders

Book Review: Leadership Smarts by Ken Blanchard

   Still having a hangover on his book “The One Minute Manager” and his legendary “first day of class final exam” story, Ken Blanchard first converted me to management books. Like John Maxwell and Zig Ziglar, he has penetrable eyes that see managing/leadership from the inside out. Now he is crossing over the Christian book scene (like Maxwell and Ziglar) he will surely make waves.

“Leadership Smart” is a collection of Blanchard favorite quotes, some from famous personalities and from his indispensible sayings from his previous works that are more that inspiring or encouraging but reinforcing principles that leaders should take in. And who doesn’t want a power quote. Coming from me who likes reading and posting quotes on Facebook and Twitter and also maintaining a quote blog on Tumblr ( it such a delight to read one. But on the down side, you might think why you should buy a book with such content (where it is so prolific over the internet).  One, if you read lots of book on leadership you might want something short but powerful that matches a thick book on leadership. Second, you might be a first timer in reading leadership book, this will give you enough wit and wisdom to pump you up and whet your appetite for more. Third, it’s a Ken Blanchard book. Aside from the sayings, on the other side of it has stories or article to help you digest the quote. Prepare for the coals that will burn fire the leadership in you.

My favorite quotes in the book are:

“Get your ego out of the way and move on.”

“Am I a servant leader and a self-serving leader?”

“Your game is only as good as your practice.”

“Feedback is the breakfast for champions.”

Want to see the heart of a smart leader? Get this book. Want something that is short and sweet…challenging book? Read this book. Boost up your leadership with these striking and inspiring nuggets of gold straight from the leaders heart.