5 Cool Ways to Handle an Impromptu Bible Study

It’s another day of your weekly Bible study when all of the sudden your Youth Pastor  got sick and you have to take over. But you are not prepared. If you have 5 Minutes to prepare, then check these five tips to handle that Bible Study:


  1. Start with a prayer – pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you unveil the Scriptures to the Bible study group.
  2. Get it going with lots of interactions- Bible studies is not a one man band. Have a two way conversation to the attendees by sparking some questions that will fill the time. But make sure it is still in line with the study.
  3. Recall your meditation – You can teach them what you have learned in your devotion. You can read it straight from a devotional book or your journal
  4. Use previous notes- it’s a good thing to have a note handy and find previous messages that you jotted down.
  5. Teach the gospel – if the groups are unbelievers you can’t go wrong in teaching them the gospel even if they have heard it already. It is also a brush up to believers who also attend by adding some Christian responsibility in the lesson.

Now that you know these tips make sure the next time you are prepared in handling a Bible study. Anything to add to the list?

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