8 Favorite Quotes From The Book “Assurance: Our Seal and Pledge” (Gil Rugh, Indian Hills Community Church)

I shared a treasure trove of free online booklets on my last freebie round ups, published by Indian Hills Community Church, written by Gil Rugh, one of their pastors. I read one booklet and all I can say (aside from being brief) is that it has solid biblical teachings that a believer should check out. Praying it will benefit my Christian walk as I explore other titles from them.

So I decided for this week till the end of June, I’ll be sharing some quotes here and on the FB Page from the booklets by Gil Rugh that I read. My hope is that these free resources will encourage believers like me to avail and help them get to know God and His eternal promises. I’m starting this “series” with his booklet, Assurance: Our Seal and Pledge. If you like what you read, go get this free booklet, read and share with others.

“The Spirit of God is God’s down payment. He is the pledge of our inheritance. The Spirit is God’s guarantee that we will obtain our inheritance—that God’s own possession will be redeemed in His presence and will be secured for Himself.”

The doctrine of the security of the believer is fundamental to the character of God. Without realizing it, those who reject the security of the believer attack the verycharacter of God. Either we are sealed and God is true, or we are not sealed and His Word is false.

“I am confident that those of you who believe in Jesus Christ will one day arrive at the New Jerusalem along with me, but I have no confidence in your faithfulness or power.Nor do I have confidence in my own faithfulness. If it depended upon me, I would have been saved and lost so many times you could not count them! But since it depends upon the Spirit of God, I have confidence because I know He is adequate and able.”

“If it is possible for a believer to lose his salvation, then God’s down payment is worthless. If a believer can lose his salvation, God’s seal is without value.”

“The Holy Spirit’s ministry is one of securing us and keeping us until the day of our ultimate redemption and glorification in the presence of the Father.”

God the Father sealed us in Christ with the Holy Spirit. All three persons of the Godhead are at work here. God the Father is the One who does the sealing. We are sealed in Christ, that is, only those in Christ are sealed; and we are sealed with the Holy Spirit when we hear and believe the Gospel.

“Though our redemption was planned and carried out by God the Father, its accomplishment centers in the Person and Work of God the Son, Jesus Christ.”

“The Holy Spirit is given as a seal to guarantee our security and as a promise that He will come through with the rest. Who has given the down payment? God! And who is on the line to come through with the rest? God Himself!”

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