Pinoy Preacher List #9


After 10 months, Pinoy Preacher List is back! Many things happened specifically as we go through this pandemic. Pastors who once didn’t want to post videos, stream their Sunday services through Zoom and FB Live are now availing these techie innovations to reach out their congregations. And I hope this series can feature all of your online messages for other folks to watch.

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Book Review: Get A Life…Online by Mighty Rasing

Fresh from #SuperEpic” Mighty Rasing delivers another book about a subject he really really knows. Social media is going leaps and bounds. Then it got out of control (sort of). And what better way to sort it all out by reading “Get A Life…Online”.
This book packs lots of meat to enhance you digital life. It has everything for the novice to the hardcore netizen. Mighty not only wrote a book that is readable because its Taglish but grasp the Pinoy context of being online. He knows the Pinoy culture, ethics and behavior that affect how we use social media. He tackled topics like useful apps, how share your talent online, how to use social media for a good cause. The serious issue of privacy and cyber bullying were discussed. All of these topics and much more for a 75 pesos book!
I enjoyed reading because knows well the online culture of Pinoys or making much of social media but also he shared his personal experiences of being a netizen. For someone who’s been there as one of the popular new media practitioner, stories of failures and success is inspiring to people who wants their voice be heard.
This great book helps us understand and engage the online (and also offline) life for every Filipino. If you love “#SuperEpic” then you’ll love this one too. Embrace the digital explosion Pinoy style with “Get A Life…Online”.

Book Review: Add Mo Ko As Friend by Marlene Legaspi-Munar

My eyes caught this book over National Bookstore and for sure many will give a second glance on this because of its message: friendship. If you’re an avid reader, you might dismiss it as a Bob Ong book (simply by the title and the cover art). If you in the other hand an avid reader plus a Christian, you might conclude it’s a Ed Lapiz book (those popular 2 in 1 book he puts out). But surprise it is not. However, if you want to savor a book with likeness of those writers, well this one’s for you.

“Add Mo Ko as Friend” is a book that centers on biblical friendship for the social media frenzy culture. Written in Taglish that everyone can relate to particularly the youngsters. It is a “pang-masa” and “sosyal” book because not just how she blend the languages but she tackles the importance on having friends. It will appeal to everyone I assure you. Relevant and upbeat is the best description to “Add Mo Ko as Friend”  that’s why it made the bestsellers list at National Bookstore, OMFLit and PCBS.

A concise book on friendship that is not short in content to help you understand and cultivate friendship. Munar crafted a well written book that covers important topics for everyone to enjoy. How she manages to put it all in is a gift.

“Add Mo Ko as Friend” also focuses on engaging true friendship with God and has a gospel message in it so it’s a great gift for unbelievers. With its theme and attractive cover your friends will go crazy for it.

Are already ‘connected’? If not then get this book to give you a ‘friendly’ hand in nurturing friendship online and offline. I recommend “Add Mo Ko As Friend” by Marlene Legaspi-Munar for those who value true, godly and meaningful friendship in this digital age.

6 Dead Christians You Should Follow on Twitter

Dead men really tell tales. They can also tweet. Follow these dead saints in Twitter and be inspired with their undying words of godly wisdom, theology and biblical insights. You can discover their works and dig deeper about them by going to their websites, liking their FB pages (if they have one) or by searching it at Google after you follow their tweets.

  1. C. S. Lewis Daily ( Clive Staples Lewis, the author know for Chronicles of Narnia, is one of the greatest thinkers in Christian philosophy.  He contributed to Christian thinking books like Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, Problem with Pain etc. This Twitter account dishes off his wit and wisdom.
  2. The Essential John Owen ( the “prince of the English divines,” this Puritan pastor is vigilant proclaming doctrine and God. Follow his twitter account and the website for more topics he addresses.
  3. Oswald Chambers ( his most influential devotional is exceptional in terms of finding intimacy with God. Follow it and read it every morning for your devotional time. Oh, by the way purchase the book!
  4. The Daily Spurgeon ( The Prince of Preachers gives you a dose of daily quotes and links to his books and sermons.
  5. J. C. Ryle ( I love J. C. Ryle, especially Thoughts for Young Men. Some of his works feels as if its not centuries ago. Very relevant to this age.
  6. The Old Guys ( Not one. Not two. And not three. But a dozen theologians, preachers, pastors and writers (all dead) all giving day by day insights on theology, the Bible and God.

Any more you could add? Please post it on the comment.

(Originally from my Facebook Notes, 28 August 2011)