Book Review: Add Mo Ko As Friend by Marlene Legaspi-Munar

My eyes caught this book over National Bookstore and for sure many will give a second glance on this because of its message: friendship. If you’re an avid reader, you might dismiss it as a Bob Ong book (simply by the title and the cover art). If you in the other hand an avid reader plus a Christian, you might conclude it’s a Ed Lapiz book (those popular 2 in 1 book he puts out). But surprise it is not. However, if you want to savor a book with likeness of those writers, well this one’s for you.

“Add Mo Ko as Friend” is a book that centers on biblical friendship for the social media frenzy culture. Written in Taglish that everyone can relate to particularly the youngsters. It is a “pang-masa” and “sosyal” book because not just how she blend the languages but she tackles the importance on having friends. It will appeal to everyone I assure you. Relevant and upbeat is the best description to “Add Mo Ko as Friend”  that’s why it made the bestsellers list at National Bookstore, OMFLit and PCBS.

A concise book on friendship that is not short in content to help you understand and cultivate friendship. Munar crafted a well written book that covers important topics for everyone to enjoy. How she manages to put it all in is a gift.

“Add Mo Ko as Friend” also focuses on engaging true friendship with God and has a gospel message in it so it’s a great gift for unbelievers. With its theme and attractive cover your friends will go crazy for it.

Are already ‘connected’? If not then get this book to give you a ‘friendly’ hand in nurturing friendship online and offline. I recommend “Add Mo Ko As Friend” by Marlene Legaspi-Munar for those who value true, godly and meaningful friendship in this digital age.