8 Favorite Quotes From The Book “The First Skyrider” (Hannah Hess)

I want to congratulate one of my cherish friend, Don and her wife for the got married last January 24. I know your story so well that we poured it over at Starbucks years ago. Praying for all the best and blessings for a new phase of life you’re entering.

Anyways, here’s some quotes from the book I recently read. “The First Skyrider” by H. R. Hess is available at Reformation Lighting by clicking here. You can read my review of this book by following this link.

“But the greatest trial was of your own heart. So, I ask you one last time, Cairn son of Oran. Who are you serving?”

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Book Review: Add Mo Ko As Friend by Marlene Legaspi-Munar

My eyes caught this book over National Bookstore and for sure many will give a second glance on this because of its message: friendship. If you’re an avid reader, you might dismiss it as a Bob Ong book (simply by the title and the cover art). If you in the other hand an avid reader plus a Christian, you might conclude it’s a Ed Lapiz book (those popular 2 in 1 book he puts out). But surprise it is not. However, if you want to savor a book with likeness of those writers, well this one’s for you.

“Add Mo Ko as Friend” is a book that centers on biblical friendship for the social media frenzy culture. Written in Taglish that everyone can relate to particularly the youngsters. It is a “pang-masa” and “sosyal” book because not just how she blend the languages but she tackles the importance on having friends. It will appeal to everyone I assure you. Relevant and upbeat is the best description to “Add Mo Ko as Friend”  that’s why it made the bestsellers list at National Bookstore, OMFLit and PCBS.

A concise book on friendship that is not short in content to help you understand and cultivate friendship. Munar crafted a well written book that covers important topics for everyone to enjoy. How she manages to put it all in is a gift.

“Add Mo Ko as Friend” also focuses on engaging true friendship with God and has a gospel message in it so it’s a great gift for unbelievers. With its theme and attractive cover your friends will go crazy for it.

Are already ‘connected’? If not then get this book to give you a ‘friendly’ hand in nurturing friendship online and offline. I recommend “Add Mo Ko As Friend” by Marlene Legaspi-Munar for those who value true, godly and meaningful friendship in this digital age.