3 Things To Consider To Have A Balanced View of the Holidays


Time and time again, we Christians go into a dispute over how we consider the holidays and everything that goes along with it. So I’ll address three issues here for I consider them as the most common that spills over social media. In this way we can give a balanced view of the holidays and enjoy it for God’s glory.

Ground it with facts and real history.  What does a history lesson got to do in celebrating with the holidays? It is to save faces and our testimony as a Christian that is. Whenever the holiday  comes, there are Christians that have some objections to some holidays. They will post their rant over Facebook for everyone to read. Whether it’s the use of the word Xmas or the practice of having Easter eggs, to the date of December 25, all seems to be a big pagan conspiracy that will keep Christians and unbelievers blinded by Satan. 

Sadly some so-called pagan origins of different holidays and traditions that comes with it are standing on faulty speculations, conspiracies and a whole lot of sensationalism. Although some believers meant it with all honesty, well being honest is not enough, even if your pastor told it . Honesty AND a healthy dose of facts with a well researched history will do the work.  Let’s throw in the hat some logic to add sense and dispel conspiracies. Do you love truth and want to please God? Get the facts straight! 

Have a biblical view of drinking and eating. You cannot separate holidays without sharing a hearty meal with your love ones.  That completes our holiday experience of being together. So how can we have a biblical view of drinking and eating? One common thing to do is to do it for the Lord.

Although the Bible condemns excessive drinking or drunkenness, it doesn’t prohibit drinking in itself. Many will object with this (and get bashed) however the Bible made it clear and we shouldn’t teach what is beyond what is already revealed.  Let us not put our own teachings against those already been instructed in God’s Word. So Christians go ahead drink, if you can handle alcohol and be moderate in drinking.

Some good Christians I know view drinking as evil, but resorts to eating to make up for not indulging to it. So they turn to eating as a way of consolation over something they consider prohibited by the Bible. Like excessive drinking, excessive eating is prohibited in the Bible. Both falls to the word, gluttony. The Bible declares it sinful. So we should have a moderate way of feasting that will connect us with our family, have fun and glorify God.

It’s an opportunity to get some rest and honor God through it. Although some holidays here in the Philippines are not geared for Christians like fiestas or Ramadan, it is not something for Christians to be guilty of if it feels like those non working holiday are like making us observing those events. Rather drag ourselves to still go to the office (if possible) and seek consolation of having a double pay, we should rest and don’t feel bad about it. It’s beneficial to the physical and spiritual well-being. And God will be honored with your rest. That goes also to churches and ministries that have employees or workers. Don’t let your workers get caught in traffic because of the religious parade just because you don’t want to observe the holiday.

Another thing, churches and ministries should consider not grabbing the opportunity for holding some activities and programs during holidays. Rather that to rest and be with the family as a blessing, churches will likely have an event for believers that could have been set on other time or day. Let us keep in mind in those family gatherings, God might use your members to reach out his loved ones.

I hope this article brought some clarity on what we should do with the holidays. Believers should be reminded that these are not doctrinal errors but a matter of preference that Christians has as freedom to agree or disagree without being legalistic. In these non essential things, may we show grace to one another as Christ showed grace to us sinners. Isn’t that what a popular holiday in December is all about?